Studycards Online


Here you can find information about the author of Studycards Online.


Details appropriate to §5 TMG and §55 RStV German law

This page provides information about Pineapple Developer, owner Johanens Schuh (below named as "Pineapple Developer"), and the legal notes to this website. Questions or comments to this page can be sent to

Responsible for the content

Business name: Pineapple Developer, owner Johannes Schuh
Am Marktplatz 8
D-66709 Weiskirchen

+49 172 - 53 73 019

Person of contact
Johannes Schuh

Picture credits
All images you can find on this website and in the published apps, have been created by Pineapple Developer and are protected by copyright.


Copyright 2014-2025 - Pineapple Developer, owner Johannes Schuh - all rights reserved. The content, images and the design, which are created by Pineapple Developer are protected by the German copyright law and other laws, protecting intellectual property. You are not allowed to publish, modify or copy contents from this website. Every kind of use has to be granted in writing form by Pineapple Developer.


The provided information and links from Pineapple Developer have been checked, but there is no guarantee, that all information are correct. Pineapple Developer excludes all guarantess or liabilites regarding to consistency. Pineapple Developer is not responsible for contents of external websites.